Inter-Period Correlations of SCEC Broadband Platform Fourier Amplitudes and Response Spectra

Jeff R. Bayless, Paul G. Somerville, Andreas Skarlatoudis, Fabio Silva, & Norman A. Abrahamson

Published July 20, 2016, SCEC Contribution #6329, 2016 SCEC Annual Meeting Poster #292

A principal intent of the SCEC BBP is for simulated time series to be applied directly in engineering applications. To do so, the inter-period correlations of epsilon need to be appropriate, since these correlations are related to the width of peaks and troughs in the spectra, and will therefore have an effect on the inelastic response of structures. Epsilon is the normalized difference between the observed (or predicted) Fourier Amplitude Spectra (FAS) or Pseudo-Spectral Acceleration (PSA) and the mean predicted natural log FAS or PSA.

We implement a validation scheme for the inter-period correlation of epsilon for PSA and FAS of simulated ground motions on the SCEC BBP. We calculate the correlations of epsilon for both FAS and PSA, for each of the seven western United States Dreger et al. (2013) validation events, for all available simulation methods on the SCEC BBP, and compare with the observed correlation of FAS from datasets such as NGA-West2 and NGA-East, and compare with existing empirical models for PSA. To do this calculation, we implement and verify computer codes on the SCEC BBP for the calculation of the FAS, the smoothing of the FAS, and the correlation of epsilon for FAS and PSA, including simple FAS models from which epsilon values are derived.

Key Words
Correlation, Broadband, Simulations

Bayless, J. R., Somerville, P. G., Skarlatoudis, A., Silva, F., & Abrahamson, N. A. (2016, 07). Inter-Period Correlations of SCEC Broadband Platform Fourier Amplitudes and Response Spectra. Poster Presentation at 2016 SCEC Annual Meeting.

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