Testing Waveform Predictions of 3D Velocity Models against Two Recent Los Angeles Earthquakes
T H. Jordan, P Chen, & E.-J LeePublished November 3, 2014, SCEC Contribution #6050
Nearly half of the national seismic risk is located in Southern
California, and about one-fourth is concentrated in Los Angeles
County alone (Federal Emergency Management Agency
[FEMA], 2000). To assess the seismic hazards that drive this
risk, we must forecast the strong ground motions that are likely
to be produced by large fault ruptures. The standard probabilistic
seismic-hazard model of California calculates shaking
intensities according to an ensemble of ground-motion prediction
equations (Petersen et al., 2008). These empirical equations
have a high aleatory variability, primarily because they do
not model much of the ground-motion variance caused by 3D
crustal heterogeneities (Strasser et al., 2009).
Jordan, T. H., Chen, P., & Lee, E. (2014). Testing Waveform Predictions of 3D Velocity Models against Two Recent Los Angeles Earthquakes. Seismological Research Letters, 85(6), 1275-1284. doi: 10.1785/0220140093. http://srl.geoscienceworld.org/content/85/6/1275
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