Geology and Tectonics of the East Ventura Basin

Robert S. Yeats, Brian J. Swanson, & James F. Dolan

Published 2001, SCEC Contribution #576

This is a field-trip guide accompanying Field Trip 7, Geology and Tectonics of the east Ventura Basin, conducted on Sunday, April 8, 2001 as part of the Cordilleran Section, Geological Society of America meeting at Universal City, California. The field trip focuses on regional geology, engineering geology, petroleum geology, and active fault mapping. Active faults visited included the San Gabriel fault and the San Cayetano fault.

Yeats, R. S., Swanson, B. J., & Dolan, J. F. (2001). Geology and Tectonics of the East Ventura Basin. In Yeats, R. S., & Swanson, B. J. (Eds.), Geology and Tectonics of the East Ventura Basin and San Fernando Valley, (, pp. 203-224) Bakersfield, CA, : San Joaquin Geological Society