Stefano Gregolo

Published 2014, SCEC Contribution #1979

Wineries and vinegar producing companies are an economic wealth for Italy and the result of centuries of knowledge and traditions which are connected to technologic and modern process as well as to foreign markets.
Why is it important to dedicate to this sector a vulnerability seismic study?
Byond saving lives, there are many reasons ; one is that it's one of the most important business in relation with their huge producing capacity according to the fact that they are located in a small area of the country .
Wineries and vinegar producing companies include structural elements, installs, wine vessels (vats)and the precious wine.
Wine producing needs time, sophisticated wine production needs long time, balsamic vinegars need more than ten years.
During an earthquake a winery loose all or part of its own production and the fact could put out of the market for a long time causing a heavy economic and employment negative impact. Wine vessels could be changed, barrels could be repaired but lost wine can't be produced again quickly. Lost wine is lost for ever.
Earthquakes damage all sectors regarding wine producing companies and others companies connected with them.
This happened in Emilia in 2012 and in many others wine producing areas of the world.
It's possible to reduce the seismic vulnerability of the areas with a good building structure , respecting rules , making interventions to improve and adapt existing buildings to seismic events
Winery is a living structure composed by many branches, with the only purpose to produce the best wine. Each branch needs the right attention , analysing correctly the building structure, the anchorage systems of wine vessels (vats) , the best solution for barrels stacking, the seismic vulnerability of shelves for wine and bottles storage.
Seismic risk in wineries helps you to know better these companies and to think about a security project for them.
This book explains all fragilities of seismic ground , like our ground is.
This book gives a panoramic view of different kinds of wineries, starting from long history winery to modern Archistor's building, showing possible solutions that could be studied by technicians in relation with specific needs
The authors have big experience in vulnerability seismic sector and producing national trend regarding the argument.

Gregolo, S. (2014).. Verona, : Vinitaly.