A Composite Source Model for Computing Realistic Synthetic Ground Motions

Yuehua Zeng, & John G. Anderson

Published 1994, SCEC Contribution #189

A composite source model is presented for convolution with synthetic Green’s functions, in order to synthesize strong ground motions due to a complex rupture process of a large earthquake. Subevents with a power-law distribution of sizes are located randomly on the fault. Each subevent radiates a displacement pulse with the shape of a Brune’s pulse in the far field, at a time determined by a constant rupture velocity propagating from the hypocenter. Thus, all the input parameters have a physical basis. We simulate strong ground motions for event - station pairs that correspond to records obtained in Mexico by the Guerrero accelerograph network. The synthetic accelerations, velocities, and displacements have realistic amplitudes, durations, and Fourier spectra.

Zeng, Y., & Anderson, J. G. (1994). A Composite Source Model for Computing Realistic Synthetic Ground Motions. Geophysical Research Letters, 21(8), 725-728.