Fifteen Years of International HPC Summer School

Scott Callaghan, Weronika Filinger, Ilya Zhukov, Hermann Lederer, & John Urbanic

Submitted February 6, 2025, SCEC Contribution #14153

Since 2010, the International HPC Summer School (IHPCSS) has trained more than 1,500 graduate students and early career researchers in high-performance computing (HPC). Originally a European-US collaboration, it now includes Japan, Canada, Australia and South Africa, and serves 80 students and 40 staff each year. This paper examines the evolution of the technical program, which initially focused on domain-specific scientific applications and MPI/OpenMP programming, but later expanded to include emerging technologies like GPU acceleration, Python for HPC, big data analytics, and AI/ML. It also discusses the challenges IHPCSS faced - technical, logistical, and demographic - and how they were addressed through real-time HPC access, mentorship, and adaptable sessions for mixed-skill audiences. IHPCSS continues to provide inclusive and high-quality trainings around the world by integrating new technologies and responding to participant feedback, while maintaining the core principles of HPC.

Key Words
high performance computing, training, workforce development

Callaghan, S., Filinger, W., Zhukov, I., Lederer, H., & Urbanic, J. (2025, 02). Fifteen Years of International HPC Summer School. Oral Presentation at PEARC25.