Exploring spatial coherence between earthquake source parameters

Seok Goo Song, Arben Pitarka, & Paul G. Somerville

Published 2009, SCEC Contribution #1248

We explore the spatial coherence between earthquake source parameters by analyzing kinematic rupture models of two large strike-slip events, i.e., the 1999 Izmit, Turkey, and the 1992 Landers, California, earthquake. We investigate the coherence not only at the zero offset, but also at the non-zero offset distance. The analysis shows that earthquake slip has a significant level of correlation with temporal source parameters such as rupture velocity, peak slip rate, and slip duration (rise time). We also show that many interesting features of earthquake source characteristics, such as directional effects of earthquake rupture, can be captured by this type of spatial coherence analysis. A coherence analysis therefore may have potential for understanding earthquake source characteristics , and for generating realistic kinematic rupture models that capture the essential physics of the rupture process for strong ground motion prediction.

Key Words
United States, processes, geologic hazards, Izmit earthquake 1999, Turkey, strike-slip faults, Landers earthquake 1992, California, kinematics, rupture, strong motion, seismicity, earthquake prediction, seismic risk, ground motion, elastodynamic properties, risk assessment, tectonics, algorithms, Asia, earthquakes, seismotectonics, Middle East, faults

Song, S., Pitarka, A., & Somerville, P. G. (2009). Exploring spatial coherence between earthquake source parameters. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 99, 2564-2571.