Group B, Poster #220, Ground Motions
The Community Seismic Network: Applications and Expansion to 1200 Stations
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Poster Presentation
2022 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #220, SCEC Contribution #12132 VIEW PDF
The Community Seismic Network (CSN) is a permanent, strong-motion sensor network that records and archives continuous waveform data. Earthquake, wind, and ambient vibration data are used in studies of basin velocity structure, geotechnical layer characterization, structural damage detection methods and real-time assessment, and soft-story building analysis. The data are also being processed and tested for publicly disseminated products such as ShakeMap, building-specific fragility assessment, and earthquake early warning. CSN incorporates computing in the cloud, at the edge, and on devices to map ground motion intensity and building damage probability due to earthquakes. It currently consists of 800 stations, half of which are located on Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) campuses. Over 200 stations are located on the NASA-JPL campus as a dense “array-within-an-array,” and about 200 stations are located on upper floors of several high-rises. With recent support provided by the Hilton Foundation and a new partnership with the California Geological Survey (CGS), an additional 500 stations will be deployed at additional LAUSD campuses over the next year. When completed, the network will consist of 1200 triaxial stations located at 0.5 km station spacing at the ground level, and on every floor of several high-rises. The partnership with CGS is for evaluation of deploying additional stations across the State of California to fill in geographical gaps in seismic instrumentation as a long-term collaboration.