Global Positioning System Resurvey of Southern California Siesmic Network Station

Jennifer S. Haase, Egill Hauksson, Hiroo Kanamori, & James Mori

Published February 1995, SCEC Contribution #110

Systematic errors in travel-time data from local earthquakes can sometimes be traced to inaccuracies in the published seismic station coordinates. This prompted a resurvey of the stations of the Caltech/USGS Southern California Seismic Network (SCSN) using the Global Positioning System (GPS). We surveyed 241 stations of the SCSN using Trimble and Ashtech dual-frequency GPS receivers and calculated positions accurate to 3 m using differential positioning from carrier phase measurements. Twelve percent of the stations that were surveyed were found to be mislocated by more than 500 m. Stations of the TERRAscope and USC networks were also surveyed, as well as a network of portable seismic stations deployed shortly after the 1992 Joshua Tree and Landers earthquakes. The new coordinates and the offsets from the old coordinates are given below. The new coordinates are being used in SCSN locations as of 1 January 1994.

Haase, J. S., Hauksson, E., Kanamori, H., & Mori, J. (1995). Global Positioning System Resurvey of Southern California Siesmic Network Station. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 85(1), 361-374.