Comparison of seismological techniques for estimating radiated energy from crack-like ruptures and self-healing pulses
Valere R. Lambert, & Nadia LapustaIn Preparation May 3, 2020, SCEC Contribution #10086
Numerical studies have shown that the radiated energy from large ruptures may substantially differ depending on whether the ruptures propagate as self-healing pulses or crack-like ruptures. Most teleseismic estimates of radiated energy from large megathrust earthquakes are consistent with those from simulated crack-like ruptures, which appears inconsistent with the assumption that large earthquakes propagate predominantly as pulse-like ruptures. A number of assumptions go into estimating radiated energy from seismological recordings. Here, we use numerical simulations of dynamic earthquake ruptures to compare estimates of radiated energy using standard seismological techniques from synthetic waveforms with the true values of radiated energy from differing styles of earthquake rupture.
Lambert, V. R., & Lapusta, N. (2020). Comparison of seismological techniques for estimating radiated energy from crack-like ruptures and self-healing pulses. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, (in preparation).