SCEC Award Number 22117 View PDF
Proposal Category Individual Proposal (Data Gathering and Products)
Proposal Title Digital post earthquake response and earthquake geology for SCEC with StraboSpot
Name Organization
Ramon Arrowsmith Arizona State University
Other Participants Malinda Zuckerman, Ph.D. pre-candidate
School of Earth and Space Exploration
Arizona State University

In collaboration with J. Douglas Walker,
University of Kansas and StraboSpot lead

SCEC Priorities 2c, 4a, 5c SCEC Groups Geology, SAFS, CXM
Report Due Date 03/15/2023 Date Report Submitted 03/05/2024
Project Abstract
We have developed StraboSpot ( for post-earthquake response and earthquake geology workflows in SCEC. It is a capable alternative which operates on iOS and Android platforms, is NSF-supported, is configurable, is cloud enabled, and is free. We have refined StraboSpot use cases including surface rupture mapping and documenting and analyzing Fragile Geologic Features, and coordinated with California Geological post earthquake response team and worked to use a common schema.
Intellectual Merit Post-earthquake rapid response and earthquake geology are essential activities of the SCEC community. They entail the collection and preservation of perishable earthquake data. These data range from notes and ideas from the field to annotated photographs, measurements, and samples. They should be well geolocated and need coherent data management strategies to enhance their use and re-use for addressing fundamental science questions as well as hazard applications. SCEC research strategies and priorities for earthquake geology include documentation of paleo earthquake ages and displacements, characterization of fault zones to assess rupture hazard, and the analysis of Fragile Geologic Features including precariously balanced rocks (PBRs). In addition, there is a challenge to develop community guidelines for post-earthquake field reconnaissance activities.
Broader Impacts This project adapts freely available tools developed with NSF support for the specific needs of the earthquake geology community.
Exemplary Figure None of the figures are that exciting. I like Figure 5 to show a sample that indicates coordination across the SCEC community for post earthquake response: Figure 5. Mock up of data collection schema for StraboSpot in kobotoolbox ( This approach mimics the schema of the California Geological Survey."