SCEC Award Number 21127 View PDF
Proposal Category Workshop Proposal
Proposal Title Dynamic Rupture TAG – The 2021 Ingredients Workshop – Stress Conditions
Name Organization
Ruth Harris United States Geological Survey Michael Barall United States Geological Survey
Other Participants Many postdocs and students will participate in the workshop.
SCEC Priorities 1d, 4a, 2d SCEC Groups FARM, SDOT, GM
Report Due Date 01/03/2022 Date Report Submitted 01/18/2022
Project Abstract
This is a report on the December 3, 2021 SCEC workshop about the stress conditions ingredient needed for dynamic earthquake rupture simulations. This workshop was the fourth in our series of four 'ingredients' SCEC workshops.
Intellectual Merit This workshop investigated one of the four ingredients needed for computational simulations of dynamic earthquake rupture. The goal was to learn about science resources from SCEC and beyond for determining stress conditions, to learn about related SCEC community science projects, and to decide at what level of detail and in what form initial stress conditions are needed to simulate reasonable-looking large earthquakes.
Broader Impacts The dynamic rupture workshops are very popular, particularly among students, postdocs, and other early career scientists. More senior scientists enjoy them too. Our workshops are a gathering of our science community to discuss the latest news about earthquake physics, with a focus on a particular topic. Under-represented groups have, all along, been particularly encouraged to participate.
Exemplary Figure Figure 1. (Lightly modified Figure 1 from Harris et al., 2018). Components necessary for a dynamic (spontaneous) rupture simulation. Dynamic earthquake rupture simulations need assumptions about the initial stresses on the fault (and also off the fault, if the medium is inelastic), the fault geometry, the rock properties, and a failure criterion that describes how fault friction works. The red box highlights the initial-stress component, the subject of our fourth workshop. These physics-based computer simulations can be used to produce many different types of results, including patterns of fault slip, ground and sub-surface shaking, and heat generation. Please also see Harris (2004).
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