SCEC Award Number 21079 View PDF
Proposal Category Collaborative Proposal (Integration and Theory)
Proposal Title Earthquake simulation-based evaluation of the existing shallow crust models at Garner Valley in Southern California
Name Organization
Elnaz Seylabi University of Nevada, Reno Domniki Asimaki California Institute of Technology
Other Participants one postdoctoral scholar
SCEC Priorities 4a, 4b, 4d SCEC Groups GM, EEII, Seismology
Report Due Date 03/15/2022 Date Report Submitted 06/15/2022
Project Abstract
We propose to evaluate regional ground motion simulations in the high frequency regime that com- bine novel models of shallow crustal layering and nonlinear constitutive soil models, by comparing results to strong motion recordings at the Garner Valley downhole array (GVDA) site. We specif- ically propose: (1) to perform a series of linear simulations to assess the predictive capability of existing layering to map the effects of source and the crustal velocity structure on the simulated ground motions; and (2) to perform a series of nonlinear simulations to quantify the effects of nonlinear near-surface soil behavior on the ground surface simulated motions. By identifying the capabilities and pitfalls of the simulation components, especially in the high frequency range, our work will contribute to improvement efforts in the simulation of propagation, attenuation, and amplification of broad band ground motions, which are strongly dependent on the fidelity and resolution of the shallow crustal velocity layers.
Intellectual Merit In progress
Broader Impacts In progress
Exemplary Figure In progress
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