SCEC Award Number 19080 View PDF
Proposal Category Workshop Proposal
Proposal Title Community Velocity Model Technical Activity Group Workshop
Name Organization
Clifford Thurber University of Wisconsin, Madison
Other Participants Approximately 30 people will be invited to participate in the workshop.
SCEC Priorities 4a, 3a, 3b SCEC Groups CXM, Seismology, CS
Report Due Date 10/08/2019 Date Report Submitted 09/20/2019
Project Abstract
After a very successful one-day workshop in October 2018 on future development of SCEC Community Velocity Models(CVMs), an essential next step is the formation of a Technical Activity Group (TAG) tasked with further developing and collectively carrying out a coordinated set of activities to improve and validate the CVMs. I proposed to hold a full-day workshop in conjunction with the September 2019 SCEC Annual Meeting that would be the first meeting of the CVM TAG. This report documents the workshop. The tasks for the workshop were to reach preliminary consensus on the mission and goals statement of the TAG (a draft of which was circulated well in advance of the workshop), to refine and prioritize the identified action items, and to coordinate plans for submission of related SCEC 2020 proposals. The latter two activities will be follow-ons to the workshop.
Intellectual Merit CVMs are an integral part of efforts to predict ground motion from potential future earthquakes. Avenues for improving the CVMs are needed to allow further improvement of the models by the SCEC community.
Broader Impacts Improved prediction of ground motions from future large earthquakes is an essential part of earthquake risk reduction.
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