SCEC Award Number 18217 View PDF
Proposal Category Workshop Proposal
Proposal Title Dynamic Rupture TAG – The 2018 Ingredients Workshop – Fault Geometry
Name Organization
Ruth Harris United States Geological Survey Michael Barall Invisible Software, Inc.
Other Participants students, postdocs, junior and senior researchers who are members of our dynamic rupture TAG, plus other interested parties
SCEC Priorities 4a, 2d, 2e SCEC Groups FARM, WGCEP, GM
Report Due Date 12/30/2018 Date Report Submitted 02/04/2019
Project Abstract
This is a report on the SCEC Dynamic Rupture Technical Activity Group's 2018 Ingredients Workshop. The focus on this workshop was fault geometry, what it looks like, and what the implications are for everything from dynamic rupture modeling to hazard.
Intellectual Merit This workshop advanced the state of knowledge by bringing together experts and students from a range of earthquake science disciplines to share information about what fault geometry looks like at multiple scales and from multiple perspectives, and how it is used for everything from dynamic rupture simulations to hazards estimates.
Broader Impacts Many postdocs and students were invited to and participated in the workshop, from both the U.S. and other countries.
Exemplary Figure This was a workshop, so many figures were shown during our presentations. If a figure is needed, please see our workshop presentations, that are posted on our SCEC 2018 workshop website, or ask me and I can send one or more figures.
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