SCEC Award Number 17183 View PDF
Proposal Category Collaborative Proposal (Integration and Theory)
Proposal Title Analysis of earthquake source parameters and rupture simulation along southern San Andreas Fault through the San Gorgonio Pass
Name Organization
Jeff McGuire Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Other Participants Yajing Liu, Adjunct Scientist at WHOI, Professor at McGill.
SCEC Priorities 1d, 3a, 3b SCEC Groups FARM, Seismology, SAFS
Report Due Date 06/15/2018 Date Report Submitted 06/18/2018
Project Abstract
We are combing earthquake source parameter estimates with dynamic rupture simulations to examine rupture propagation through the San Gorgonio pass section of the San Andreas Fault. 2017 accomplishments focused on developing the stress drop database for the region and mapping the SCEC community fault model into an appropriate mesh for the 3D rupture simulations.
Intellectual Merit This project is an example of SCEC's method of combining fault specific data analysis in Southern California with physics based simulations of earthquake rupture to better understand particularly important earthquake hazard problems.
Broader Impacts This grant supported an International collaboration between Yajing Liu (McGill Univ) and Jeff McGuire (WHOI) and involves a graduate student at McGill.
Exemplary Figure Figure 1.
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