SCEC Award Number 16192 View PDF
Proposal Category Workshop Proposal
Proposal Title SoSAFE Workshop: Recent Successes and Future Challenges
Name Organization
Katherine Scharer United States Geological Survey Ramon Arrowsmith Arizona State University
Other Participants
SCEC Priorities 1a, 2a, 4a SCEC Groups Geology, CISM, SDOT
Report Due Date 10/10/2016 Date Report Submitted 11/10/2016
Project Abstract
The central goal of the Southern San Andreas Fault Evaluation (SoSAFE) project was to increase knowledge of the occurrence and size of earthquakes along the southern San Andreas Fault (SAF) and San Jacinto Fault (SJF) over the last 2000 years. When SoSAFE began in 2006, only two published paleoseismic records, Wrightwood and Pallett Creek, extended greater than 1000 years. Since then, funding from SCEC, USGS NEHRP and NSF, many paleoseismic investigations have been initiated and/or published by SoSAFE investigators, greatly increasing the number of sites with long records and estimates of paleoslip. There is now a high-resolution paleoseismic site at least every 150 km along the fault system and in many places the distance is <50 km. With more data we have the ability to test the original fault behavior models designed on limited data, and have the ability to refine results based on multiple, independent datasets to obtain a clearer understanding of the plate boundary behavior in Southern California. This workshop examines the state of SAF/SJF paleoseismology and its connections to future SCEC projects
Intellectual Merit Better communication between disciplines of scientists studying the SAF system.
Broader Impacts Strong student involvement in paleoseismology.
Exemplary Figure na
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