SCEC Award Number 16149 View PDF
Proposal Category Individual Proposal (Data Gathering and Products)
Proposal Title Refurbishment of SCEC Trench Shoring
Name Organization
Sally McGill California State University, San Bernardino
Other Participants
SCEC Priorities 2a, 1a, 4a SCEC Groups Geology, SoSAFE, WGCEP
Report Due Date 03/15/2017 Date Report Submitted 11/14/2017
Project Abstract
Sally McGill used the SCEC trailer to transport the 9 malfunctioning shores and 3 pumps from their storage site at CSUSB to the Corona or Banning location of Trench Shoring Company for repair. The shore repair included the addition of finger guards to these nine shores. She also purchased one new pump and two new trailer and minor parts for the trailer.
Intellectual Merit Hydraulic trench shoring is used in nearly all paleoseismic data gathering investigations where trench-es are opened to study the rupture history along a fault. The work completed under this award will enable all SCEC paleoseismologists to continue their studies of earthquake rupture histories for ac-tive faults in southern California.
Broader Impacts The paleoseismic studies that will use SCEC’s newly maintained supply of hydraulic shoring will help to clarify seismic hazards in southern California and to train the next generation of paleoseismologists.
Exemplary Figure N/A
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