SCEC Award Number 15060 View PDF
Proposal Category Travel Only Proposal (SCEC Annual Meeting)
Proposal Title Implementation and validation of the newly developed rupture model generator at SCEC broadband platform
Name Organization
Seok Goo Song Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (South Korea) Luis Dalguer swissnuclear (Switzerland)
Other Participants
SCEC Priorities 6b, 6e, 4c SCEC Groups GMP, GMSV, CME
Report Due Date 10/16/2015 Date Report Submitted 03/14/2016
Project Abstract
This project was funded in 2009-2010 and 2012-2015 by SCEC. The main (long-term) research objective is to develop a full description of probabilistic model for finite faulting process to generate physics-based rupture scenarios for simulating ground motions. We also aim to understand the effect of complex source processes on near-source ground motion characteristics. We developed a stochastic model that governs the finite source process with 1-point and 2-point statistics of kinematic source parameters and also a pseudo-dynamic rupture model generator (SongRMG, Ver 1.0). In the project year, we implement the newly developed rupture model generator at the SCEC broadband platform (BBP) and performed validation tests against ground motion recordings for individual events and empirical ground motion pre-diction equations (GMPEs). The rupture model generator developed by this project is going to be included in the new release (Ver. 16.3) of SCEC BBP.
Intellectual Merit Rupture dynamics enables us to understand earthquake rupture process in a physics-based way. We can study many interesting and complicated features of earthquake rupture by dynamic modeling. On the other hand, earthquake statistics enables us to quantify the variability of earthquake rupture for future events. We aim to develop a stochastic model for finite source process with simple correlation structures. This is an exciting research work because we can simulate finite source models by stochastic modeling in addition to dynamic rupture modeling.
Broader Impacts Seismologists and earthquake engineers can use stochastic finite source modeling tools developed in this project and generate a number of rupture scenarios for simulating ground motions. They can also study the effect of finite source process on near-source ground motion characteristics in a systematic sense.
Exemplary Figure Figure 3. Validation (left) and sensitivity test (right) results at the SCEC BBP (Song 2016)
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