SCEC Award Number 14195 View PDF
Proposal Category Collaborative Proposal (Data Gathering and Products)
Proposal Title Investigating the Fault Zone Architecture of the San Jacinto Fault Zone Using an Ultra-portable Coring Borehole Drill Rig
Name Organization
Amir Allam University of California, San Diego Thomas Rockwell San Diego State University Gary Girty San Diego State University
Other Participants
SCEC Priorities 1a, 4a, 3b SCEC Groups SoSAFE, FARM, Geology
Report Due Date 03/15/2015 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
The main objective of this project is to acquire and field test a portable drill system that potentially could be used in many SCEC-funded projects to study the physical and chemical properties of fault zones in southern California. The project was funded late in 2014 so the primary achievement so far is the acquisition of the drill system. We plan to begin field tests immediately after the SSA meeting in Pasadena in April, 2015, when Dr. Amir Allam is in southern California. One preliminary assessment of the drill system is that the total weight of all components is collectively quite heavy and may require transport by vehicle, which will limit its use to sites that are accessible by 4WD truck.
Intellectual Merit Understanding the role of fluids and the mechanisms of physical damage in faults zones through detailed study of the physical and chemical properties of fault zones will lead to a better understanding of the processes active during dynamic rupture associated with large earthquakes.
Broader Impacts This project is lead by Dr, Amir Allam, a young scientist (post-doc), and will support a graduate student at SDSU.
Exemplary Figure No figures yet.
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