SCEC Award Number 14193 View PDF
Proposal Category Travel Only Proposal (SCEC Annual Meeting)
Proposal Title Near source broadband ground-motion modelling of the Canterbury aftershocks and implications for assessing engineering metrics
Name Organization
Caroline Holden GNS Science (New Zealand) Matthew Gerstenberger GNS Science (New Zealand)
Other Participants Dr Anna Kaiser
SCEC Priorities 6c, 6d, 6e SCEC Groups GMSV, GMP, FARM
Report Due Date 10/10/2014 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
To provide additional insight into expected ground motions in the Canterbury region, we have conducted broadband ground motion simulations using a suite of moderately sized aftershocks (M5.3+) from the Canterbury sequence. We use these simulations to investigate the sensitivity of near field ground motions to key engineering parameters including stress drop and rupture details such as velocity, directivity and slip distribution.
Preliminary results show that adoption of parameters derived from spectral inversions of the strong motion dataset and method provides an improved and robust fit to the observed data, emphasizing the need for region-specific considerations and the implications this has for GMPEs.
Our study is focused on the wealth of strong motion data and source models from the Canterbury earthquake sequence.

Our participation to the SCEC meeting has allowed us to assess and discuss our findings against results from the Ground motion simulation validation TAG group. The PI has benefited not only from participation to the annual SCEC meeting but also from regular conference meetings and interactions with participants of the same working group.
Intellectual Merit The Canterbury sequence forms a very unique dataset: from source models, strong motion data to documented impacts on engineering structures. This project involves ground motion modellers, PSHA and site effect experts for the benefit of the NZ engineering community. Co-PI Gerstenberger and Holden have previously participated to SCEC meetings.
Our approach indeed focuses on a New Zealand case specific study, but with a similar objective to the GMSV working group “Developing and implementing testing/rating methodologies via collaboration between ground motion modellers and engineering users”.
Broader Impacts This project focuses on the Canterbury sequence but the implications are broader and we would hope that our results and discussions have also benefited to the GMSV working group.
Exemplary Figure (issue with pasting a figure ?)
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