SCEC Award Number 14186 View PDF
Proposal Category Collaborative Proposal (Integration and Theory)
Proposal Title Visualizing emergency response under extreme motions
Name Organization
Ting Lin Marquette University John LaDisa Marquette University
Other Participants Christopher Larkee (Visualization Technology Specialist), Marquette University; TBN (1 Undergraduate Student), Marquette University; TBN (1 Graduate Student), Marquette University
SCEC Priorities 6e SCEC Groups CS, EEII, SIV
Report Due Date 03/15/2015 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
This work visualizes emergency response under extreme motions, in the CAVE of the Visualization Laboratory at Marquette University. The visualization (a) displays ground motions (from the science community), (b) inputs these motions to structural models (from the engineering community) and illustrates the resulting responses, (c) translates structural responses to damage states of building elements, (d) creates a virtual room subjected to the perception associated with such earthquake shaking, and (e) introduces the human element of emergency response in this immersive environment. Building upon previous work on earthquake simulations, performance-based earthquake engineering (PBEE), building information modeling (BIM), and earthquake awareness, this study integrates elements of PBEE and BIM within the CAVE environment to provide visual information for decision making. Real-time or near real-time information via earthquake early warning (EEW) and structural health monitoring (SHM) further facilitates response within a limited time frame.
Intellectual Merit The project addresses the SCEC4 priority objective 6e “collaborate with the engineering community in validation of ground motion simulations”, and contributes to interdisciplinary focus area G “Earthquake Engineering Implementation Interface (EEII)”, specifically, propagating “rupture-to-rafters simulations of building responses” to emergency response. We utilized existing ShakeOut simulations (Graves et al., 2011a) in special initiative C “Community Modeling Environment (CME)” and extended the high performance computing-facilitated “M8 simulations” (Cui et al., 2010) to the Marquette CAVE virtual reality. This work builds upon advancements in several fields, including ground motion simulations, performance-based earthquake engineering, visualization, and earthquake preparedness. Through our work, site- and structure-specific ShakeOut scenarios were developed that customized the immediate shaking environments (e.g., residential vs. hospital settings) for the general public. Similar to flight simulators that train pilots, such virtual shaking provides muscle memory for potential emergency response participants regarding the expected level of shaking and damage to inform decision and response before an earthquake hits. This study has advanced our understanding of the role of visualization in connecting earthquake science, engineering, and policy.
Broader Impacts The project enhances communication, education, and outreach through supporting undergraduate and graduate researchers, connecting SCEC scientists with earthquake engineers and visualization specialists, and disseminating research results via professional conferences and academic courses. This project (a) established the partnership between the Multi-Hazard Sustainability (HazSus) research group, which is directed by Lin, and the Marquette Visualization Laboratory (MARVL), which is directed by LaDisa and supported by visualization technology specialist Larkee; (b) provided undergraduate research experience for BS student Kren who continued to pursue graduate education upon graduation; (c) broadened the participation of McNair Scholar Ramos, a first-generation minority student; (d) introduced MS student Thomas to NSF XSEDE visualization workshops; (e) trained PhD student Nikbakht via independent and collaborative research. Creative and original concepts were disseminated to the visualization, engineering, and science communities (Lin, 2014a, 2014b). Presentation was made at the 3rd International Conference on Earthquake Early Warning (Lin et al., 2014). A Marquette conversation among engineers, visualization specialists, and the larger University community was initiated, via collaborative meetings among faculty, student, and staff as well as virtual shaking demo to external speaker at the inaugural Structural Engineering and Structural Mechanics seminar. SCEC initiatives also became part of Lin’s curricular materials developed for Performance-Based Engineering, an advanced graduate course at Marquette. Nikbakht and Lin (2015)’s work has been accepted for oral presentation in the Seismological Society of America (SSA) Annual Meeting in Pasadena, CA. This work has potential applications for the Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills worldwide and the Earthquake Early Warning system in California to reduce risk.
Exemplary Figure Figure 1: Visualizing Emergency Response Under Extreme Motions: Illustrative CAVE visualization of SCEC M8 (example video from Cui et al., 2010) earthquake simulations (on the left side wall), responses of a structural model (on the right side wall), a virtual room in the site- and structure-specific shaking environment (on the extra-wide front wall), and an emergency response participant (on the floor) to immerse in the interactive space.
Linked Publications

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  • Lin, T. (2017, 06). Virtual Reality of Earthquake Ground Motions for Emergency Response. Oral Presentation at 6th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. SCEC Contribution Number 10883