SCEC Award Number 13139 View PDF
Proposal Category Workshop Proposal
Proposal Title Workshop on high resolution topography applied to earthquake studies: A VISES workshop
Name Organization
Ramon Arrowsmith Arizona State University
Other Participants Ed Nissen (Colorado School of Mines), Sri Saripalli (ASU), Mike Oskin (UC Davis), and Chris Crosby (UNAVCO)
SCEC Priorities 1, 2, 3 SCEC Groups Geology, Geodesy, SoSAFE
Report Due Date 10/21/2013 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
Sharing high resolution topography and topographic differencing data, tools, and knowledge between SCEC and Japanese scientists addresses the goals of the VISES program. The growing availability of pre and post earthquake high resolution topography means that we should strengthen our joint knowledge about the data handling and its analysis. In September 2013, 4 SCEC scientists traveled to Japan as part of this workshop activity at Earthquake Research Institute and University of Tokyo Center for Spatial Information Science ( We had three workshop goals: 1) Review the scientific opportunities and recent results coming from the analysis of high resolution topography (<1 m/pixel; past earthquake reconstruction, tectonic geomorphology, and especially lidar differencing, etc.). 2) Train students and other young scientists on the technologies associated with gathering, processing, and analyzing high resolution topography for earthquake applications. And 3) Plan future collaborative research. The workshop comprised 5 main days of activities (field trip, science presentations, meetings, and training). The talks covered a range of topics from the needs for high resolution topography to fault trace mapping, landscape reconstruction, tectonic geomorphology, landslide recognition, and topographic differencing methods and results for Japanese and the El Mayor Cucupah earthquakes.
Intellectual Merit Sharing high resolution topography and topographic differencing data, tools, and knowledge between SCEC and Japanese scientists addresses the goals of the VISES program. The growing availability of pre and post earthquake high resolution topography means that we should strengthen our joint knowledge about the data handling and its analysis.
Broader Impacts Train students and other young scientists on the technologies associated with gathering, processing, and analyzing high resolution topography for earthquake applications
Exemplary Figure No obvious figures from the report, but there are some nice ones in this talk: