SCEC Award Number 13114 View PDF
Proposal Category Collaborative Proposal (Data Gathering and Products)
Proposal Title Fine-scale organic thermal maturity along the Punchbowl Fault
Name Organization
Heather Savage Columbia University Pratigya Polissar Columbia University
Other Participants Hannah Rabinowicz, Columbia grad student
SCEC Priorities 3, 4 SCEC Groups FARM, Geology
Report Due Date 03/15/2014 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
The aim of this project was to collect samples from the Punchbowl Fault, CA for analysis of thermal maturity of biomarkers on smaller structures within gouge zones. Biomarker thermal maturity has shown to be an effective indicator of earthquake slip, and here we employ it to determine differential heating on the scale of mm-cm thick structures. Samples were successfully collected, and the analytical tests necessary to run small volume samples have been conducted. Samples will be analyzed using Gas Chromatograph-Mass (GC-MS) Spectrometry shortly.
Intellectual Merit The intellectual merits of this proposal include the refinement of a method, biomarker thermal maturity, for detection of earthquake slip in exhumed faults or drill cores through fault zones. This project represents the first time that sampling and analysis was attempted on the scale of localized slip zones within gouge layers. The variation in temperature rise across a fault zone will aid our understanding of the earthquake rupture process.
Broader Impacts The broader impacts of this work includes the participation of undergraduate and graduate students in the field, as well as a deepening of our understanding of seismic activity along ancient faults.
Exemplary Figure 1
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