SCEC Award Number 13031 View PDF
Proposal Category Individual Proposal (Integration and Theory)
Proposal Title Validation of Ground Motion Simulations for Seismic Slope Stability
Name Organization
Ellen Rathje University of Texas at Austin
Other Participants One graduate student will be supported on this grant.
SCEC Priorities 6 SCEC Groups EEII, GMSV
Report Due Date 03/15/2014 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
The goal is to evaluate simulated ground motions developed by the SCEC Broadband Platform (BBP) within the context of sliding displacements computed for seismic slope stability evaluations. The simulated ground motions are compared with their corresponding recorded ground motions in terms of the ground motion parameters affecting displacements, as well as the computed displacements themselves. Displacement comparisons are made for three different values of yield acceleration (ky). A mixed effects regression is performed to quantify the bias and variability of displacements computed for each ground motion simulation model.
Intellectual Merit This research evaluates different ground motion simulation techniques within the context of sliding displacements of slopes, which is a common geotechnical earthquake engineering design computation.
Broader Impacts This research has exposed a civil engineering student to seismological ground motion simulations.
Exemplary Figure Fig 11
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