SCEC Award Number 13021 View PDF
Proposal Category Collaborative Proposal (Data Gathering and Products)
Proposal Title Community Stress Model Web Interface
Name Organization
Thorsten Becker University of Southern California Jeanne Hardebeck United States Geological Survey
Other Participants John Yu, USC
SCEC Priorities 2 SCEC Groups SDOT, USR
Report Due Date 03/15/2014 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
This collaborative proposal was to implement the first version of the
SCEC Community Stress Model (CSM) web site. The design specifics
resulted from community discussions and CSM model candidates are from
community model contributions as supported over a series of CSM
workshops. The web site is now operational, all stress model
contributions as well as plotting scripts are freely available for
download, along with workshop material. Initial stress model
validation capabilities are also accesible.
Intellectual Merit The CSM web site serves to archive, organize, enable and energize
several of the efforts of the CSM community, and will serve as a
repository for future additional constraints for validation (e.g.
expanded borehole data). The CSM website will also host future
iterations of CSM release models, openly accessible to all. This will
not only foster scientific discourse on the fault loading problem for
southern California, but also build bridges to research in other
communities, such as induced seismicity studies.
Broader Impacts The CSM web site serves to archive, organize, enable and energize
several of the efforts of the CSM community, and will serve as a
repository for future additional constraints for validation (e.g.
expanded borehole data). The CSM website will also host future
iterations of CSM release models, openly accessible to all. This will
not only foster scientific discourse on the fault loading problem for
southern California, but also build bridges to research in other
communities, such as induced seismicity studies.
Exemplary Figure Figure 1
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