SCEC Award Number 13017 View PDF
Proposal Category Individual Proposal (Special Fault Study Area)
Proposal Title Assessing the earthquake potential of the Ventura-Pitas Point fault system: Characterizing the linkages to other faults in the Transverse Ranges and prospects for large, multi-segment ruptures
Name Organization
John H. Shaw Harvard University
Other Participants Andreas Plesch
SCEC Priorities 4 SCEC Groups USR, Geology, Seismology
Report Due Date 03/15/2014 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
As part of the SCEC Ventura Special Fault Study Area (SFSA), this project developed detailed models for the Ventura-Pitas Point fault system and major thrust faults that appear linked with it along strike, including the Red Mountain and San Cayetano faults. The models consolidate fault representations from the SCEC Community fault model (CFM) (Plesch et al., 2007), the UCSB group (Kammerling et al., 2003), and Hubbard et al. (BSSA, 2014, in press). We provide two sets of fault representations, that differ based on the presence or absence of a mid-crustal detachment level. The fault representations in each scenario are provided in large, contiguous tsurfs with about 1km resolution and quality controlled meshes.

A goal of the SFSA is to encourage SCEC investigators to utilize these representations in their planned studies in the Ventura region, including efforts in fault system modeling, finite rupture simulations, and earthquake hazards assessments. We also encourage interaction with the SCEC USR group to help refine these fault representations. The models were made available by the SCEC CME and our group, and are accessible at:
Intellectual Merit This project investigated the nature of active fault systems in the Transverse Ranges of California, developing comprehensive 3D representations of the Ventura-Pitas Point thrust systems and other faults linked with it along strike. This provides the basis to assess the likelihood of large, multi-segment thrust fault earthquakes based on insights from the geologic record and dynamic rupture simulations.
Broader Impacts As exemplified by the 2008 Wenchuan, China (M 7.8) earthquake, large thrust fault systems pose considerable seismic hazards. This study contributes to SCEC efforts to use the Ventura fault as a natural laboratory to study the possibility of large multi-segment thrust fault earthquakes and to assess the hazards posed by these events.
Exemplary Figure Figure 3A: Perspective view looking west of the Ventura-Pitas Point faults system and other structures. This model includes a mid-crustal detachment level (Yeats, 1982a; Huftile and Yeats, 1995; Hubbard et al., 2011, 2014). (A. Plesch and J.H. Shaw)
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