SCEC Award Number 13009 View PDF
Proposal Category Workshop Proposal
Proposal Title Rupture Dynamics Code Validation 2013 Workshop
Name Organization
Ruth Harris United States Geological Survey Ralph Archuleta University of California, Santa Barbara
Other Participants At least 30 students, postdocs, junior and senior researchers.
SCEC Priorities 3, 4, 6 SCEC Groups FARM, CS, CME
Report Due Date 03/15/2014 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
The purpose of the SCEC Rupture Dynamics Code Comparison Workshop was to discuss the results for our group’s most recent benchmarks, TPV26, 27, 28, to discuss our next science steps for 2014-2015, and to learn about a new method of quantitative comparison metrics. For more information about our code comparison group and the benchmarks, please see the SCEC/USGS Spontaneous Rupture Code Verification Project website:
Intellectual Merit In my opinion, this group activity is a good example of one of SCEC's many strengths - true scientific collaboration. Each of our group's individual researchers and his or her students or advisors are conducting their own best-practice science while continuously being made aware of all of the other excellent related SCEC science that is occurring. Productive dialogs among group members are encouraged by our workshops and benchmarking efforts.
Broader Impacts The project has gone global and now has scientists participating from at least 7 participating countries. Our project is a true science collaboration and we are all expanding our science horizons while learning from each other. One of the best parts of the project is that new students and postdocs join yearly, allowing for an expanding dialog among multiple generations of scientists.
Exemplary Figure please see accompanying report 13061
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