SCEC Award Number 12141 View PDF
Proposal Category Individual Proposal (Integration and Theory)
Proposal Title Implications of Physical Dissipation Mechanisms for Dynamic Faulting and Structural Resilience
Name Organization
Jean Carlson University of California, Santa Barbara
Other Participants Charles Lieou (graduate student), Ahmed Elbanna (postdoc), James Langer (faculty)
SCEC Priorities 3c, 3e, 4b SCEC Groups FARM, CS, EEII
Report Due Date 03/15/2013 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
We continued our work investigating the physics of plastic deformation and strain localization and the corresponding implications for dynamic earthquake problems. We generalized the STZ theory to be applicable in granular limit, which should better describe the physics of deformation in gouge particles. We generalized the STZ theory to include temperature dependence of material properties, such as the yield stress, to capture additional sources of weakening and localization. We have applied our results to understanding rupture dynamics and the energy balance in faulting. We have developed preliminary comparisons of both the granular and thermal models with laboratory experiments on friction and compactivity. These results are expected to be important to earthquake physics at multiple scales.
Intellectual Merit Our work addresses several SCEC priority science objectives in Fault and Rupture Mechanics (3c,3e and 4b) by developing physical constitutive laws for the fault zone, and evaluating their impact on rupture dynamics, faulting, and energy balance.
Broader Impacts Funds from the project were used to support the training and education of Postdoc Ahmed Elbanna and Graduate Student Charles Lieou. Elbanna has recently begun as an Assistant Professor at University if Illinois in Champaign-Urbanna. Lieou advanced to candidacy during this project period, and is making good progress towards completion of his thesis.
Exemplary Figure Figure 3: Strain rate dependence of friction coefficient under isothermal conditions. Insert is taken from Fig. 17 in da Cruz et al. (2005).
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