SCEC Award Number 12094 View PDF
Proposal Category Workshop Proposal
Proposal Title Modeling Advances in the SCEC Geodesy Community
Name Organization
Rowena Lohman Cornell University Jessica Murray-Moraleda United States Geological Survey
Other Participants
SCEC Priorities 1d, 2c, 5b SCEC Groups Geodesy, SDOT, Seismology
Report Due Date 10/09/2012 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
This workshop addressed three major ongoing activities within the SCEC Tectonic Geodesy discipline: the Community Geodetic Model, Geodetic Transient Detection, and a new Geodetic Source Inversion Validation (GSIV) exercise. The main purposes of the workshop were to provide an update on recent activities, let the SCEC Community know about new initiatives, and solicit participation in these projects.
Intellectual Merit The topics addressed by this workshop are closely tied to fundamental questions of earthquake physics targeted by SCEC4, for example stress transfer from plate motion to crustal faults and the causes and effects of transient deformation. The GSIV project is a natural complement to the ongoing Source Inversion Validation project that has focused on inversions of seismic data.
Broader Impacts A common feature of the activities discussed in the workshop is that they contribute to improved seismic hazard assessment and monitoring for changing hazard conditions. For example, the CGM will provide a self-consistent time-dependent geodetic data product that will exploit the complementary spatial and temporal density of InSAR and GPS data. This data product will be useful for improving deformation models that go into seismic hazard assessment as well as providing a time-dependent reference frame for transient detection. Implementing and testing transient detection algorithms will enable monitoring of large amounts of geodetic data and flagging time-varying deformation that may have implications for hazard or, eventually, operational earthquake forecasting. The GSIV exercise will enable better assessment of earthquake source characterizations that are used as starting points for further modeling.
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