SCEC Award Number 12093 View PDF
Proposal Category Individual Proposal (Data Gathering and Products)
Proposal Title Resolving a 14ka slip-rate, Coachella Valley segment, San Andreas fault
Name Organization
Patrick Williams San Diego State University
Other Participants Dr. Warren Sharp will manage 230Th/U dating, Tammy Rittenour will manage OSL dating.
SCEC Priorities 1d, 4a, 4c SCEC Groups Geology, SoSAFE, WGCEP
Report Due Date 03/15/2013 Date Report Submitted 05/08/2016
Project Abstract
This project began as the evaluation of an alluvial fan offset by the San Andreas in the southern Indio Hills of Coachella Valley (see proposal 12093). In subsequent discussions, colleagues expressed doubt on the context of the site, and the primary project was put on hold. After discussion with SCEC leadership, the focus of the project was redirected to support ongoing fault study efforts in the Coachella Valley. Three of these supported projects are continuation of my own work: slip-per-event interpretations from geomorphic evidence, structural interpretation of the San Andreas –Banning fault connections through the Indio Hills, and detailed work to evaluation an apparent very long term displacement record just north of Thousand Palms Canyon in the Indio Hills. SCEC collaborations during the period of this project included assisting Katherine Scharer and Kim Blisniuk with field work to support total deformation evaluations for the southern San Andreas fault, and guiding a demonstration of Structure-from-Motion data collection at two study sites: southern Mecca Hills and north of Thousand Palms Oasis. Summaries of these projects reference meeting abstracts (project 1, 2 and 3), a manuscript in preparation (project 4), a meeting abstract (project 5), and manuscript materials (project 6).
Intellectual Merit N/A
Broader Impacts N/A
Exemplary Figure N/A
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