Intellectual Merit
Finding and documenting a tsunami record in the wetlands of Southern California will address 2 important elements in the 2012 Science Collaboration Plan: 1) We will directly address one of the priorities for Earthquake Geology listed in the Collaboration Plan: “Search for possible tsunami deposits from offshore sources, including both faults and landslides.” 2) We will also address one of the priorities listed for Fault and Rupture Mechanics: “Explore similarities between earthquakes and offshore landslide sources with the goal of better understanding their mechanics and the tsunami hazard from sources in Southern California”. By documenting a tsunami record in the wetlands of California, we will be able to correlate our records laterally along the coast. Knowing the lateral extent of the tsunami deposits will constrain the source area. Furthermore, analysis of the thickness, grain size, and sedimentary structures in the tsunami deposits, will provide parameters that can be used to model the tsunami’s run-up height, and velocity. The variation of these parameters along the coast could be used to interpret whether the source was a landslide, local fault, or distant fault. Our data will valuable to modelers as they attempt to quantify the tsunami hazard in Southern California. |
Broader Impacts
Education: The educational impact on this project centers around the laboratory and field training of CSUF undergraduate and graduate students. To date, 5 CSUF undergraduate students, Robert Leeper, Jeremy Cordova, O’hara Creager, Bree Baumgartner, and Alex Woodward have participated in one or more days in the field. O’hara and Jeremy will derive UG theses from this project in 2013. We will be hiring another UG student, Dylan Garcia in early 2013. In addition to completing an BSc thesis on this project, Dylan will also act as a dedicated lab technician for this project. Additionally, one MSc student, Khadija Nadimi is completing her MSc thesis on this project. Khadija has spent several days in the field with both PI’s and has been fully trained in the laboratory techniques for core analysis. Khadija aims to complete her MSc thesis in Summer 2013.
Training and Development: We are working closely with our students so they are involved in all aspects of this project. All BSc and MSc students are required to write a proposal for their project. All students have, or will participate in field work, including both reconnaissance coring and piston coring. All students will be trained in the CSUF Paleoclimatology and Paleotsunami laboratory, including the use of the NSF-funded Malvern laser diffraction grain size analyzer. All of our students will be strongly encouraged to present the results of their research at the Fall SCEC and AGU meetings in 2013 and/or 2014.
Outreach Activities: In April 2012, B. Rhodes gave an overview of this project in a public presentation for the Fullerton Library “Town and Gown Series”. As results become available, we will be working with the visitor centers at San Elijo, Oneonta and Seal Beach to make displays for the public that summarize our work. |