SCEC Award Number 11182 View PDF
Proposal Category Collaborative Proposal (Data Gathering and Products)
Proposal Title Defining the slip rate, paleoseismology, and earthquake potential of the blind Western San Cayetano and Ventura fault system: Characterizing the faults in the subsurface
Name Organization
John Shaw Harvard University James Dolan University of Southern California
Other Participants Tom Pratt (USGS)
Judith Hubbard (Harvard)
SCEC Priorities A2, A3, C SCEC Groups Geology, USR, SHRA
Report Due Date 02/29/2012 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
Our research has involved a multi-disciplinary effort to characterize the activity and earthquake potential of a series of poorly understood blind-thrust faults that lie at the heart of a major transfer zone connecting some of the largest, fastest-slipping reverse faults in the Western Transverse Ranges (WTR). Specifically, we have investigated the Ventura, Southern San Cayetano, and Pitas Point faults, which link shortening accommodated by the San Cayetano fault in the east with active thrust faulting along the Red Mountain fault and other active structures in the Santa Barbara Channel to the west (Figure 1). The Ventura fault underlies the Ventura Avenue anticline, and is one of the fastest uplifting structures in southern California, rising at a rate of ∼5 mm/yr [Rockwell et al., 1988]. However, there was persistent disagreement about whether this structure posed a significant hazard, stemming from uncertainty about the fault geometry at depth. Our results suggest that the Ventura fault does extend to seismogenic depths and accommodates uplift of the Ventura Avenue anticline by fault-propagation folding. Our subsurface fault models, combined with uplift rates based on the terraces [Rockwell et al., 1988], imply that the fault may rupture in M 7.7 or larger multi-segment earthquakes with repeat times of about 1000 years. Thus, this fault represents a major seismic hazard.
Intellectual Merit This research represents helps define a major seismic hazard in southern California, in a way that can inform regional earthquake hazards assessment.
Broader Impacts This project has involved a female graduate student and research staff, and the results of improved hazard assessments provide the basis for reducing loss of life and property in future earthquakes.
Exemplary Figure Figure 4
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