SCEC Award Number 11110 View PDF
Proposal Category Individual Proposal (Integration and Theory)
Proposal Title HAZUS Probabilistic Loss Estimates for California: Development of a Library of County-level Risk Estimates
Name Organization
Hope Seligson MMI Engineering
Other Participants GIS Analyst - 1
SCEC Priorities B6, C SCEC Groups SHRA
Report Due Date 02/29/2012 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
Intellectual Merit Establishing the capability to evaluate various probabilistic seismic hazard data, including NSHM and UCERF model data, on a consistent basis using HAZUS provides standard loss metrics (economic losses and casualties) supporting WGCEP activities. It also demonstrates the value of implementing risk analysis software to provide additional insights related to the impact of changing seismic hazard values over time.
Broader Impacts This project offers the potential to clarify the differences between published and current annualized loss assessments conducted using HAZUS. By allowing for a more direct comparison of annualized earthquake losses determined from several generations of seismic hazard maps (e.g., NSHM 2002, NSHM 2008 and UCERF2, including both time-independent and time-dependent ground motions) and various soil data, the impact of hazard map, soil map, and inventory data changes can be assessed. The results can support the use of annualized loss assessments by the emergency management and mitigation communities.
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