SCEC Award Number 11053 View PDF
Proposal Category Individual Proposal (Integration and Theory)
Proposal Title Toward three-dimensional block models of southern California incorporating seismically constrained variations in material properties
Name Organization
Brendan Meade Harvard University
Other Participants Loveless, John
Tape, Carl
SCEC Priorities A2, A3, A10 SCEC Groups Geodesy, USR, CDM
Report Due Date 02/29/2012 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
The overall goal of this project is to provide the tools for studying quasi-static deformation in southern California using Greens functions that incorporate three-dimensional variations in crustal structure. We have chosen to do this using the SPECFEM3D wave propagation code. We have benchmarked results against analytic solutions for the homogeneous and 1D cases and run synthetic models using three-dimensional structure.
Intellectual Merit This project directly contributes to the goal of understanding how three-dimensional variations in earth structure may effect estimates of fault slip rates and fault stressing rates.
Broader Impacts This work greatly benefitted two early career scientists, Jack Loveless and Carl Tape. Jack was previously a postdoctoral fellow with me at Harvard but is now at Smith College. As with all of SCEC research this work contributes to our ever increasing understanding of the earthquake cycle and earthquake hazard.
Exemplary Figure Figure 3. Tape, Loveless, and Meade (SCEC annual meeting)
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