SCEC Award Number 10200 View PDF
Proposal Category Individual Proposal (Data Gathering and Products)
Proposal Title What do geologic slip rates really mean?
Name Organization
James Dolan University of Southern California
Other Participants Ben Haravitch, USC Graduate Student
SCEC Priorities A2, A3, A11 SCEC Groups WGCEP
Report Due Date 02/28/2011 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
Intellectual Merit Our results suggest a way forward to estimating the degree to which any slip rate (or slip/event) data might underestimate the true fault displacement at the surface as a function of cumulative fault slip. Future determinations of LSSR values on other large-magnitude earthquake surface ruptures will yield the larger database necessary to develop statistical measures of the localization of slip at the surface on the basis of measureable fault parameters, such as cumulative slip and the type of near-surface geological materials.
Broader Impacts This project formed the basis of Ben Haravitch's USC MS research (under the supervision of james Dolan. In addition, our observations have profound implications for our understanding and interpretation of geologic slip rates. Specifically, these results indicate that, on average, the structurally simple parts of structurally mature, large-cumulative-slip faults will be much more likely to yield slip rates that are more representative of the true fault slip rate, because strain along such faults has more fully localized onto a narrow, high-strain fault core all the way to the surface.
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