SCEC Award Number 10199 View PDF
Proposal Category Collaborative Proposal (Integration and Theory)
Proposal Title Off-fault Damage and Fault Zone Complexity of the San Gabriel Fault: A Unique Opportunity to Study New Exposures Following the Station Fire
Name Organization
Frederick M. Chester Texas A&M University Judith S. Chester Texas A&M University
Other Participants Andrew Becker, Undergraduate/graduate student, Texas A&M University
Collaboration with Ken Hudnut
SCEC Priorities A7, A10, B2 SCEC Groups FARM, Geology, GMP
Report Due Date 02/28/2011 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
Intellectual Merit This project directly addresses the SCEC research priority to provide realistic descriptions of fault zone geometry and off-fault damage as a function of depth and along strike, over a range of scales. In particular, field and laboratory observational work is aimed at defining the variation in the structure and intensity of damage along the North Branch of the San Gabriel Fault through an isolated, macroscopic bend in the fault surface.
Broader Impacts The project contributes to integrated teaching and research of fault and rupture mechanics at the host institution, and directly supports a graduate student working towards an M.S. in Geology.
Exemplary Figure N/A
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