SCEC Award Number 10184 View PDF
Proposal Category Collaborative Proposal (Integration and Theory)
Proposal Title Quantifying Spatial and Temporal Slip-Rate Variation of the Southern San Jacinto Fault System
Name Organization
Michael Oskin University of California, Davis Thomas Rockwell San Diego State University Warren Sharp Berkeley Geochronology Center
Other Participants Kim Blisniuk
SCEC Priorities A1, A2, A9 SCEC Groups Geology, FARM, Geodesy
Report Due Date 02/28/2011 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
Intellectual Merit The goal of our research is to investigate the underlying causes for the long-term clustering of earthquake activity, to better understand fault-zone mechanics, and to constrain seismic hazard of the southern San Jacinto fault zone (SJFZ). We take advantage of the bi-stranded southern SJFZ to test two end-member models for long-term clustering: (1) Variation in brittle fault strength in the seismogenic crust with constant loading in the ductile lower crust; (2) Variation in loading rate with insignificant variation of brittle fault strength. The former predicts anti-correlated, while the latter predicts correlated slip rate behavior of the individual fault strands within a fault zone. To test these two competing hypotheses, reliable constraints on slip rates along individual fault strands within a fault zone are required. The multi-stranded geometry and high strain rate of the southern SJFZ make this structure ideal for carrying out this test.
Broader Impacts This project supports the Ph.D. of Kim Blisniuk, whom represents two groups not well represented in the earth sciences (female, vietnamese). Kim was recently awarded an NSF post-doc to conduct a slip-rate study of the bi-stranded San Andreas fault in the Coachella valley. She will continue to refine the 10Be + U-series techniques she has developed as a SCEC-supported graduate student.
Exemplary Figure N/A
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