SCEC Project Details
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SCEC Award Number
10169 |
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Proposal Category
Collaborative Proposal (Integration and Theory) |
Proposal Title
Lab constraints on the coseismic depth of faulting and their implications for large earthquake slip-length scaling and seismic hazard |
Other Participants |
SCEC Priorities |
A4, A9, A10 |
SCEC Groups
FARM, Seismology, EFP |
Report Due Date
02/28/2011 |
Date Report Submitted
N/A |
Intellectual Merit
in this project we develop friction constitutive equations for the seismic/aseismic transition (brittle-ductile). in this representation the transition depth depends on temperature and slip speed. this is what the lab data and theory require but numerical models of faulting always assume this transition depth is fixed. there are implications of this for magnitude area relations, surface slip vs fault length relations, for deep coseismic slip during great earthquakes and for all models of the 'transition zone' where non-volcanic tremor and slip occur |
Broader Impacts
there are no broader impacts |