SCEC Award Number 10162 View PDF
Proposal Category Individual Proposal (Integration and Theory)
Proposal Title Evaluating and improving models for seismicity forecasting using modern residual analysis techniques
Name Organization
Frederic Schoenberg University of California, Los Angeles
Other Participants Clements, Robert (PhD student at UCLA)
Balderama, Earvin (PhD student at UCLA)
SCEC Priorities A4, A6, A9 SCEC Groups EFP, SHRA, GMP
Report Due Date 02/28/2011 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
Intellectual Merit A major ongoing part of SCEC has been to apply rigorous testing for models used to forecast earthquake hazard. Previously, the methods used to test those models have been lacking in power. The current methods offer the possibility for substantial improvement, and thus may suggest ways to improve the various models and obtain more accurate forecasts in the future.
Broader Impacts This project led to the PhD education of two graduate students at UCLA in Statistics, one of whom, Earvin Balderama, is an underrepresented minority. The project may also benefit society via improved testing and hence improved earthquake forecasts which are important for urban planning, engineering, and earth science.
Exemplary Figure N/A
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