SCEC Award Number 10139 View PDF
Proposal Category Collaborative Proposal (Integration and Theory)
Proposal Title Preliminary Study of Tremor and Crustal Structure Along the San Andreas Fault Near Cholame
Name Organization
Elizabeth S. Cochran University of California, Riverside Paul M. Davis University of California, Los Angeles Robert W. Clayton California Institute of Technology
Other Participants Partial support 2 graduate students (C. Neighbors at UCR and F. Bazargani at UCLA).
SCEC Priorities A11, A4, A7 SCEC Groups Seismology
Report Due Date 02/28/2011 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
Intellectual Merit This work to better understand the relationship between tremor and earthquakes along the San Andreas faults provides important information related to the frictional behavior of faults. We are developing new methods to identify tremor which will hopefully both improve the identification of tremor and provide important constraints on tremor waveform characteristics. The data collected will also be used to analyze source characteristics of small earthquakes to determine how the properties change along strike of the San Andreas from the creeping to the locked section. We are using these datasets to address how seismicity and tremor sequences vary with fault strike and dip.
Broader Impacts This work trained four graduate students (3 at UCR and 1 at KIT) in seismometer deployment. In addition, two graduate students are involved in analysis of the data (T.H. Wang, UCR and T. Horstmann, KIT). In addition, an undergraduate summer intern (C. Potier) helped to analyze the first week of data collected by identifying tremor episodes and developing automated tremor identification codes. She has since been accepted to graduate school in geophysics. The work also enabled international collaboration between UCR and KIT, with funding for the deployment provided by both institutions (thanks to SCEC). In addition, the work is informing a planned borehole installation in the Cholame region by UCB and USGS.
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