SCEC Project Details
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SCEC Award Number
10119 |
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Proposal Category
Individual Proposal (Integration and Theory) |
Proposal Title
Lithospheric Anisotropy in Southern California From Receiver Functions: Identification of the Decoupling Zone |
Other Participants |
Ryan Porter |
SCEC Priorities |
A3, A11, A4 |
SCEC Groups
Report Due Date
02/28/2011 |
Date Report Submitted
N/A |
Intellectual Merit
This project works toward developing a system wide model for deformation within southern California. It specifically focuses on developing an understanding of how stress and strain in the crust and upper mantle relate to each other. Applying receiver functions to study seismic anisotropy is a relatively new technique and is one of the only ways to study deformational fabrics at depth for discrete layers. |
Broader Impacts
This project has encouraged research on the structure and tectonic development of southern California at the University of Arizona, has partially funded a graduate student and has led to collaboration with researchers at other institutions who are working on similar problems. Interpretations of lithospheric anisotropy encourage strong interdisciplinary communications, especially between seismology, mineral physics, and structural geology. Better models of lithospheric anisotropy will eventually lead to improved regional velocity models that can be utilized in improving earthquake locations and understanding their tectonic significance. |