SCEC Award Number 10095 View PDF
Proposal Category Individual Proposal (Integration and Theory)
Proposal Title Refining and Synthesis of 3D Crustal Models, and Seismicity Catalogs for Southern California
Name Organization
Egill Hauksson California Institute of Technology
Other Participants Dr. Wenzheng Yang, PostDoc
SCEC Priorities A2, A4, A7 SCEC Groups USR, Seismology, EFP
Report Due Date 02/28/2011 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
Intellectual Merit This project addresses the research objectives of the seismology group and the interdisciplinary focus area of the Unified Structural Representation (USR). The questions asked have direct relevance to several long-term SCEC goals: 1) How does the state of stress vary across southern California? 2) Are there localized variations along CFM fault segments? and 3) How does the stress field determined from focal mechanisms relate to fault zone processes?
Broader Impacts The final version of the catalog of focal mechanisms will be made available to other researchers via the SCEDC.
Exemplary Figure N/A
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