SCEC Award Number 10045 View PDF
Proposal Category Collaborative Proposal (Data Gathering and Products)
Proposal Title GPS and CHIRP Surveys of the Imperial and Cerro Prieto Faults, Mexico
Name Organization
David Sandwell University of California, San Diego Yehuda Bock University of California, San Diego Yuri Fialko University of California, San Diego Neal Driscoll University of California, San Diego Rowena Lohman Cornell University Rob Mellors San Diego State University
Other Participants Brendan Crowell - SIO graduate student
Alejandro Gonzales - CIECESE graduate student
Javier Gonzales - CIECESE researcher
SCEC Priorities A1, A2, A SCEC Groups Geodesy, Geology
Report Due Date 02/28/2011 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
Intellectual Merit We performed campaign GPS surveys in the agricultural areas of the Imperial and Mexicali Valleys to resolve interseismic strain rate and seismic moment accumulation rate on the Imperial and Cerro Prieto Faults. In addition we performed GPS surveys following the M7.2 El Major Cucapah earthquake. These data contribute to the tectonic geodesy models being developed by SCEC.
Broader Impacts The GPS surveys are performed as part of an annual field class taught by Yuri Fialko, David Sandwell, and Rob Mellors at San Diego State University. This provides field training for both graduate and undergraduate students.
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