SCEC Project Details
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SCEC Award Number
10013 |
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Proposal Category
Individual Proposal (Integration and Theory) |
Proposal Title
ALLCAL - An Earthquake Simulator for All of California |
Other Participants |
SCEC Priorities |
A3, A6, A9 |
SCEC Groups
Report Due Date
02/28/2011 |
Date Report Submitted
N/A |
Intellectual Merit
Simulations are central to modern Earth Science research. This project improves understanding of earthquake predictability and hazard by means of designing and tuning of earthquake simulators. Recently there has been a concerted effort by the newly formed Earthquake Simulator Group to collectively advance the field. This SCEC collaboration called the "Earthquake Simulator Project" has spawned a number of new directions in research and testing. |
Broader Impacts
The ultimate goal of this project is to employ both geological and geodetic data to constrain ALLCAL and to progress toward a self-consistent system-level model for stress accumulation by tectonic deformations and subsequent release by slip on faults. Such a "Master Model" type of vision has been SCEC's since its founding. |