SCEC Award Number 10008 View PDF
Proposal Category Individual Proposal (Data Gathering and Products)
Proposal Title Constraints on Near-Field Earthquake Motions at Major Plate Boundary Faults From Fragile Granitic Landforms
Name Organization
Mark Stirling GNS Science (New Zealand)
Other Participants
SCEC Priorities B2, B4, A9 SCEC Groups GMP, SHRA, EFP
Report Due Date 02/28/2011 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
Intellectual Merit Fragile geologic features are likely to be the only "bottom line" criteria available for constraining the upper limits of ground motions for long return periods (beyond historical periods). Therefore, work to more reliably determine the age and upper-limits of ground motion implied by these features is important, particularly in non-desert environments where virtually no studies have been completed to date. The broad benefits of such work contributes widely to SCEC objectives (specifically B2, B4 and A9).
Broader Impacts Our SCEC projects are a useful vehicle for collaboration with fellow SCEC scientists in the USA and elsewhere and are often effective for leveraging NZ-based funds to undertake collaborative research across SCEC. Also in the last year younger NZ scientists (Uma, Bradley) have been introduced to SCEC, and this has been valuable from a growth/mentoring perspective.
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