Project Abstract
The importance of large magnitude ruptures within the Brawley Seismic Zone (BSZ), near the terminus of the southern San Andreas Fault (SAF), is underscored by (1) the extended period of dormancy of the southern SAF that is nearly twice as long as the average recurrence interval, and (2) recent numerical models that show enhanced shaking within the LA Basin for northward propagating ruptures along the southern SAF. These concerns bring into sharp focus the relationship between large BSZ ruptures and
the potential initiation of slip along the southern SAF. However, much of the BSZ is covered by the Salton Sea requiring a different set of tools to conduct paleoseismic studies. We have been using an arsenal of marine imaging techniques (i.e., seismic CHIRP profiling, side-scan imagery and high-resolution bathymetry) to constrain the fault architecture in the Salton Sea. A series of predominately NE-SW trending, dip-slip faults spanning the central and southern sea have been imaged and they provide a high fidelity record of rupture. To date, over 1000 line-km of CHIRP profiles have been collected throughout the sea, with some 700+ km of new profiles collected in October 2008. Funding sources for seismic acquisition and interpretation over the past 3 years includes: Scripps/UCSD (2007-8), SCEC (2008), and the Department of Water Resources (DWR), State of California (2008-09). High amplitude reflectors observed in seismic profiles correlate with coarse silty-sand layers deposited during low-stands of paleo-Lake Cahuilla. Information gleaned from past engineering studies (both CPT and standard cores) provides an ideal stratigraphic framework from which to compare our seismic results to on-shore trenching, where chronologic constraints for past lake-stands are more robust. The acoustic packages offshore correlate well with Cahuilla lake-stands observed at onshore trench sites. Unfortunately, the sediment cores collected by URS Corporation have either been destroyed or were poorly cataloged—so we are unable to test our offshore-onshore correlation with radiocarbon dating. |