SCEC Award Number 09008 View PDF
Proposal Category Collaborative Proposal (Integration and Theory)
Proposal Title Physical Limits on Ground Motion From Dynamic Rupture Models with Off-Fault Damage, and Application to Yucca Mountain
Name Organization
Steven Day San Diego State University Benchun Duan Texas A&M University
Other Participants 2 students, including Jingqian Kang
SCEC Priorities B2, A7, B5 SCEC Groups FARM, GMP, SHRA
Report Due Date 02/28/2010 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
Intellectual Merit The proposed work directly addresses Priority Objective A7 (Determine the origin, evolution and implications of on- and off-fault damage) by providing theoretical prediction of off-fault damage distribution and by investigating its effects on rupture dynamics and ground motion. The proposed work addresses Priority Objective B2 (Investigate bounds on the upper limit of ground motion) by investigating physical limits on ground motion. The spontaneous dynamic model with off-fault damage from this project specifically addresses the Extreme Ground Motion special project at Yucca
Mountain. The nonlinear model implementations derived from this work address Priority Objective B5 (improve our understanding of nonlinear effects and develop methodologies to include these effects in broadband ground motion simulations) and will feed back into the DynaShake component of the PetaSHA special project.
Broader Impacts N/A
Exemplary Figure N/A
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