SCEC Award Number 08131 View PDF
Proposal Category Individual Proposal (Data Gathering and Products)
Proposal Title U-series Dating of Latest Pleistocene/Holocene Alluvial Fans: Development and Application to Determining Slip Rates on the San Andreas Fault System
Name Organization
Warren Sharp Berkeley Geochronology Center
Other Participants Fletcher, Kathryn
Oskin, Mike
Le, Kimberly
Rockwell, Tom
SCEC Priorities A1, A2 SCEC Groups CDM, SHRA, SoSAFE
Report Due Date 02/28/2009 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
Intellectual Merit N/A
Broader Impacts The educational impact of the PBIC is demonstrated by the number of undergraduate and graduate student participants in field deployments and the routine maintenance and operations of the PBIC. Most experiments use undergraduate and graduate students in the deployment and maintenance of the stations, many at UCSB, but also at institutions within California and in
some cases nationwide (SCEC summer intern programs). Giving the students hands-on experience in how the data is collected is an important part of the education of future geophysicists, especially in a time when data is so readily available via the Internet without any knowledge of what is involved in the data collection process. In addition, the number of women and minority students previously and currently involved in the PBIC program is significant.
Outreach to K-12 students has always been an important part of the PBIC program.
Exemplary Figure N/A
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