SCEC Award Number 08120
Proposal Category Workshop Proposal
Proposal Title Joint Workshop: Fault System History / SoSAFE In-Field Review
Name Organization
Michael Oskin University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Kurt Frankel Georgia Institute of Technology Ken Hudnut United States Geological Survey
Other Participants Kim Le, Whitney Behr
SCEC Priorities A1, A2 SCEC Groups Geology, WGCEP, SoSAFE
Report Due Date 02/28/2009 Date Report Submitted N/A
Project Abstract
This workshop combined one day of discussion of uncertainty in fault slip rate and paleoseismicity, followed by a one-day field trip to the southern San Andreas and San Jacinto fault. The workshop was held at the beginning of SCEC3, and this report is submitted several years later to clear the report out of the reporting system.
Intellectual Merit Understanding epistemic uncertainty is key to getting high quality fault slip rates and better constraints on earthquake ages. This workshop helped to advance this goal.
Broader Impacts This workshop drew from a variety of geological expertise, including persons not traditionally associated with SCEC.
Exemplary Figure No figures in report.
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